about us

Passionate about perfect joinery.

People in the office

At NRG, we are passionate about bringing your vision to life with professional workmanship.

With over 35 years of combined experience, we specialise in bespoke carpentry and joinery services in Essex. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that every project, whether it's custom furniture, a brand new kitchen, or intricate woodwork, is executed to a standard which looks incredible and will last a lifetime.

We take pride in our ability to transform spaces, enhancing homes and businesses. From concept to completion, we work closely with our clients, understanding their needs and delivering personalised solutions which exceed their expectations.

We are committed to providing a reliable, professional service with a focus on attention to detail in every project we awarded. Contact us today to discuss your project and let us turn your vision into a reality.

Nathan and Gary

Get in touch

about us

Passionate about perfect joinery.

People in the office

At NRG, we are passionate about bringing your vision to life with professional workmanship.

With over 35 years of combined experience, we specialise in bespoke carpentry and joinery services in Essex. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that every project, whether it's custom furniture, a brand new kitchen, or intricate woodwork, is executed to a standard which looks incredible and will last a lifetime.

We take pride in our ability to transform spaces, enhancing homes and businesses. From concept to completion, we work closely with our clients, understanding their needs and delivering personalised solutions which exceed their expectations.

Contact us today to discuss your project and let us turn your vision into a reality.

Nathan and Gary

Get in touch

about us

Passionate about perfect joinery.

People in the office

At NRG, we are passionate about bringing your vision to life with professional workmanship.

With over 35 years of combined experience, we specialise in bespoke carpentry and joinery services in Essex. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that every project, whether it's custom furniture, a brand new kitchen, or intricate woodwork, is executed to a standard which looks incredible and will last a lifetime.

We take pride in our ability to transform spaces, enhancing homes and businesses. From concept to completion, we work closely with our clients, understanding their needs and delivering personalised solutions which exceed their expectations.

We are committed to providing a reliable, professional service with a focus on attention to detail in every project we awarded. Contact us today to discuss your project and let us turn your vision into a reality.

Nathan and Gary

Get in touch